Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Assos Soap: Clean & Sanitized Gear

 I've been bugging my wife to find me some Lysol Laundry Sanitizer to get the stench out of my jersey's armpits, but in its stead I found some Assos Detergent I like even better, and it has, AFAICT from the Safety Data Sheet, the same anti-microbial agent. We found some Lysol, finally, but the price of that and Woolite aren't much cheaper than this.

In addition, the detergent is formulated to be kind to high-tech fabrics, and as expensive as riding gear is getting, that's become much more important. I also like that it has a very light scent, as my wife is very sensitive to perfumes used in laundry products.

I am happy to report that my clothes now come out of the washer smelling great, as my clothes are both clean AND sanitized, so no stinky armpits, nor bacteria in the chamois to start saddle sores. At $33 per liter, it's expensive, BUT, you only use 1 cap full in an HE load, so I've settled on that for each and every load. Throw the cap in with the load, or it gets to be a mess. 

A nice bonus feature is if you forget your clothes in the washer overnight they don't start to mildew. Don't mix cotton clothing with your "plastic" high-tech stuff as it soaks up a ton of water so you get a lot of residue in all the water left in the cotton. Wool socks seem to be OK, as they don't hold much water, especially if your machine has a good spin cycle. 

You'll have to decide if $33 every cycling season is a reasonable price to have perfectly laundered riding gear, but for me, it's been wonderful, so I'm giving Assos an A+ on this one. It's also sold in 300ml bottles if you want to dip a toe before plunging in. BikeTiresDirect had the best price I could find.


PS: Just a short update, I've struggled for years with pimples under my bib shorts, especially where riding in the drops or aerobars folds them into my skin near my waist. Happy to report they are all but gone after just a month. Some of these were so persistent, the folds always occurring in the same place, they produced small scars. Those pimples are GONE!

TMI, I know, but if you've tried every imaginable thing, and obsessively cleaned your skin, this is a BIG deal. Njoy!

PPS: I find I have to use 2 caps full now, as whatever is turning my armpits into Super-Fund sites has apparently mutated into something more resistant. I find this somewhat alarming, but for now, will keep using the product. I promise to report growing a 3rd Eye or something nasty if it happens, but for now, this soap is still the best thing going.

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