Monday, June 1, 2020

Breaking All The Rules

When I was a boy people drawing social security checks weren't supposed to be breaking their personal performance records, and for the most part, be involved in sports at all. They were supposed to be laying back in their Lazy Boy recliners waiting for the Grim Reaper to find them, so happy to report I am breaking all those rules.

In 2010 the riders in the Sacramento area, which I called home for well over a decade, rode over 3 MILLION miles in the month of May. When the Great Recession started to fade, and more of us had jobs to go back to, that mileage dropped a bit, but in 2012 I made a concerted effort, between bouts of allergies and saddle sores and managed to log a PB of 575 miles.

A few months earlier I put in 214 miles in a single week (I looked this stat up in a post on this blog, as I had remembered it as 235 miles, but 214 it was) in response to a personal challenge from an online friend who was tragically killed by a motorist on a ride shortly after that.

As you can see, I easily beat both of those totals, as well as riding my longest ride, twice actually, since moving down to SoCal in 2015, first on Monday with 73 miles, and then besting that on Sunday with 80 miles. I also passed 3 people I follow on Strava for total mileage in 2020 and bested their longest rides.

As crazy as everything is out there right now, and as much as our nation is enduring, I am thrilled that this small corner of my life, the bit I have some control over, is going great, and I hope I can do a little leading by example in this regard.

Success ALWAYS feels great, and you can't have that unless you set goals that are attainable, and then do your damnedest to meet them.


If you care about sports at all, and especially basketball, you MUST watch "The Last Dance". I can't think of anyone more than Michel Jordon to embody the ideals in this post. He, like Kobe and Magic Johnson have always been a huge inspiration, and that's getting harder to find these days.

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