Monday, August 8, 2011


Do you wear a sweat cap when you ride, but wish there were a lighter, smaller, better breathing option that would still keep the sweat off your glasses and out of your eyes? Me too!

Sweat band inspired by Andy Schleck
My 1-size-fits-all-the-budget-we-have Halo sweat cap has a nice rubber strip that runs across the forehead, and does a good job of forcing the sweat that gets channeled from the Gishallo helmet's  sweat pads to run down the sides of my face, not all over my glasses The problem is, it doesn't breathe as well as my hair, and it's too large, so it, my helmet straps, and sunglass stems all conspire to make my scalp break out above my ears.

I had a moment of inspiration, and created the Schleck-Band. It's shown here as Frank, although Andy's brilliance can be seen in the foreground. It's a piece of cotton string that is tied behind my head, just like a normal Cadel Evans sized one. It really works too!

There's a Thor Hushovd version too, but it's made of 10mm steel cable. ;)

Isn't tongue-in-cheek  fun?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You poor cyclists...what you have to deal with! Sweat, flies...

Now that steel thingy I want to see on someone's head...haha.