Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Long Way

I decided to pack on some miles to my usual Beal's Pt ride yesterday, so headed down to WBP first. This makes for a nice 44-48 mile ride, depending on how I return.

I fueled up on Sushi rice (mix in sugar with that, but not the vinegar) and WOW is that clean ride fuel! It's the cleanest burning fuel I have ever found. I held back some on the way down to WBP, but that ride from WBP to Karen's Bakery was like on a rocket sled.

Just after the Rainbow Bridge crossing myself and another rider were stopped by a Park Ranger because of a fire a mile up the trail. After listening to girl talk for a few minutes I was really trying to change the subject. We had a nice discussion of the arson problem on the bike trail, and the new Camelbak Podium Ice aerojel insulated bottles. They are claimed to be 4X as well insulated. Then more discussion of how to shave your legs. About then I was thinking the 'how' of beauty is best kept a secret from us guys :-O

On the way down from Beals - yes, they finally let us go up - the half-dozen or so fire trucks had been joined by a Sacramento County Sheriff's car, and 3 teenage boys were being interrogated. I think they got their 'man'. That section of trail is in clear view of the Folsom Prison guard towers, and I have to assume they have excellent binoculars. Those boys didn't stand a chance. Yuppies all, I think mommy and daddy are going to have a $10k bill to pay for the firemen's efforts. Lesson learned, I'm sure.

This is the part of the trail just past the twisties where you can really fly coming down, so a good test of the new brakes. AWESOME!!!  I needed them too, as I thought the crews would be gone after 45 minutes or so, and was really hammering.

I remembered to raise my seat 5mm before heading out the door, and I am amazed how differently this worked my musculature. My calf-tear from last year, as well as my left calf, were both screaming at various points in the ride, and the calf-tear was sore and swollen all night. I have known for awhile that lowering the seat took some stress off the calves, so this is all part of recovery.

The low sun on the very cold, blue water coming home was amazing. This time of year the location of the setting sun has it setting  right down the length of the river, so 3-5 miles of paint on the water at sunset. Spectacular!


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